Focus Realty Group
It's a House "SOLD" Name!!! - Veteran Owned - Experienced, Responsive, Professional, Proven | Phone: 920.428.4885


Satisfied Client

29 September 2021

Thank you again for all the hard work you put into listing our property, showing the home,
negotiating its sale, and successful closing. We appreciate you and all you have done behind
the scenes as well as up front in marketing. Please feel free to share this note of appreciation in
part or entirety with current and prospective clients or real estate partners.
We first met several years ago during a refinance process when our mortgage lender contacted
you to give a broker’s-estimate of home value. The attention to detail you put into that
seemingly routine report along with your friendliness and helpfulness made an impression.
When it came time to list our home for sale, we thought of no other broker than you because of
how professionally you handled our needs in the past.
Our motivation for selling our home came as a result of a necessary relocation for employment.
We had already purchased a home out of state and were waiting for the right timing to market
our property that coincided with the end of the school year so our kids could finish classes
before the summer break. We emailed you to see if you remembered us from a few years
previous and mentioned the home you have given an evaluation for and asked if we might learn
more about listing our home when you had time.
If you don’t recall, I believe we were having a meaningful phone conversation within minutes
and you happened to be in the neighborhood and were at our kitchen table in about 20 minutes.

From that conversation, which felt like we picked-up where we left off prior, we signed with you
to market our unique property in the time frame and manner sensitive to our family’s emotional
needs to not feel rushed out. For that too we are extremely thankful. Again, your attention to
detail and focus on our needs was very helpful in the stressful time of picking up and moving
away from family and friends, especially high school kids.
Initially we had seriously considered listing our home by owner, a decision we realize now we
would have regretted. Through the process of marketing our home you kept us involved and
informed of all the pertinent details along the way. With our situation of relocating and us not
always being in the same place at the same time to sign documents, you adjusted your way of
doing business for our sake and accommodated our unique distance documentation needs in a
way that made it easier on us but much more difficult for you.
At one point early, we had a buyer whose sale of the home they had marketed with someone
else, had fallen through. With your help we extended graceful opportunity to permit that buyer
and their agent with options and time to continue as able. But despite great efforts to help them,
the home was re-marketed and immediately sold seamlessly to another well-qualified buyer with
zero contingencies. In fact, I am certain you recall, we contacted you and asked that we actually
‘up’ the sales commission we initially agreed to because we were so impressed with your
professionalism that we felt you deserved more for the work you were doing.
Again, seeing as we were out of state and the home was vacant, you went above and beyond to
help facilitate things like lawn maintenance, home inspections, and even contractor’s needing to
perform repair and update tasks. The closing went smoothly from a distance as well. Through
Focus with Wochos, that chapter of our home life has been closed on a positive note and we
move forward in our new surroundings knowing a new family is enjoying the home we loved.
Thank you again for all your help and all you do for the community.
Tim & Robin Vassios

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